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Dots and Boxes Game

Avdhesh-Varshney's github profile

This game is a multiplayer game. This project is also for those who want to learn javascript as this project is a beginner-friendly.

Weather App

Atharvashirsh's github profile

This is a simple weather application built using Express.js. It allows users to retrieve weather information based on location.


coderhersh's github profile

This is a machine learning project made on Credit Card Fraud Detection. The data is taken from Kaggle. Different classification machine learning algorithms have been applied to get the maximum accuracy.

Jobby App

swethapaleti's github profile

A job portal built using reactjs.JS and with mobile-first responsive design. This project provides various filters for filtering a large set of jobs fetched from an API. This project also uses JWT for authentication.

Personal Portfolio Website

villAsh's github profile

This is my personal portfolio website made using reactjs


PatilHarshh's github profile

This is the Unit Converter Project Basic Logic of javascript and Begineer Friendly Project

QR code component

GyanPrakashKumar's github profile

This is a solution to the QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Expanding Cards Image Carousel

buildwithaman's github profile

This project is a beginner level javascript project. Here viewer can choose their own image. when clicked on a particular image it will expand with an animation effect

Phonebook Management System

Alkaison's github profile

It is a software application that allows users to store, organize and manage large numbers of contact records efficiently. The system is designed to have functions such as adding, updating, viewing, listing and deleting contacts.

Audio Book

whiteknight16's github profile

Give a pdf and the bot can read it out for you